Basin Transit Survey

Clients/Consumers – Spanish

Ayúdenos a mejorar la movilidad en el Condado de San Bernardino

Complete esta breve encuesta para contarnos sobre las necesidades y desafíos de movilidad en su comunidad- y participar en un sorteo para ganar una de diez tarjetas de regalo de $100.

Sus comentarios servirán de guía para el Plan Coordinado de Transporte Público y Transporte de Servicios Humanos para el Condado de San Bernardino, 2021-2025.

Este plan abordará las necesidades de movilidad de personas con discapacidades, adultos mayores, personas con bajos ingresos y veteranos.

La encuesta deberia tomarle menos de cinco minutos para completer y estará abierta hasta December 11, 2020.

¡Gracias por ayudar a mejorar la movilidad en nuestro condado!

Responda la encuesta ahora:

Clients/Consumers – English

Help us improve mobility in San Bernardino County

Complete this short needs survey to share your transportation needs and challenges –and enter a raffle to win one of ten $100 gift cards.

Your input with guide the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for San Bernardino County, 2021-2025.

This plan will address the mobility needs of

  • persons with disabilities
  • older adults
  • persons with low income and
  • veterans.

The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete and will be open until December 11, 2020.

Thank you for helping to improve mobility in our county.

Take the survey now:

Agency staff and partners

Dear Agency/Organization Representative,

The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan, 2021-2025 Update process is under way! We need your help in taking – and distributing – this online survey:

The San Bernardino County Coordinated Public Transportation Plan will:

  • Identify the mobility needs and gaps of older adults, persons with disabilities, persons of low income and veterans in San Bernardino County;
  • Identify strategies to address these needs;
  • Identify and promote partnerships and new services to address these gaps.

This online survey will help to describe your community’s and your agency’s mobility needs. The survey is open to both members of the public and agency personnel.

Please take a few minutes to:

  1. Complete the survey yourself.
  2. Forward the survey to your colleagues and client.

Please share the attached flyer and/or social media post with your networks. The survey must be completed by December 11, 2020.

Thank you for your partnership! Take the survey now: